Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wonderfully Repetitious

Though many of my writings may contain this sort of thought pattern, whether in my journal, on Fbook, or even for assignments in class; I must say I cannot contain it in my soul and that is why I write. I speak of the gospel and its effect on my life. How it is the source of all my joy, the eternal kind, the stuff that fairy tales and folklore only dream about. It changes my perspective from one of mediocre temporal endurance of lily daddling through life to one of supreme achievement and bliss in the felicity of seeing beyond next week, next month, or even next year and smiling at the depths of the universe, knowing that one day, I will have a universe of my own where I am the God of it, and love, patience, virtue, honesty, and all else that is good, lasts forever. Forever! Can you imagine? The only way that you can truly know what I speak about is to have partaken of the Spirit that comes from our Heavenly Father, letting Him open your eyes, brushing from them the filthy opaqueness of a natural man, and letting them swim in endless waters of truth. Only then can you feel the joy that I have in my heart and know why I write of these things as some may label a Christian zealot would. Yet, maybe my zeal is better termed gratitude for there is none that can ever repay what has been given in way of blessings to me, and more especially in the atonement of Jesus Christ. The least I can do is to further the happiness I have been lotted to others in the same way it is sustainedly given to me, namely through this gospel. I doubt that few of you ever read this, but if you do, most likely you know me, and know that I am a man of balance. If there is any extreme in me it is on this subject, and is only so because of the continuous, harmonious balance it allocates my life. Today is a Sunday, and especially on this day, though it comes on other days, my thoughts turn in gratitude toward my God. I am severely optimistic for my future because of my trust in Him, and in that trust lay the source of my current euphoria.

1 comment:

  1. Yay I found your blog!
    I love this post. I couldn't have said it better.
    Happy blogging:D
